Here's the first episode of the new Chic Talk Show with C&C, where we'll be serving up the social and political commentary, straight, with no chaser--just like you like it!
We'll be inviting bloggers from around the blogosphere to serve as guest commentators on a regular basis. So, if you're a blogger who's interested in making a guest appearance, please give us shout.
In the meantime, please enjoy our first episode where we discuss the recent R Kelly interview on BET. Don't forget to answer this week's Open Mic Question:
Should people stop buying R Kelly's albums and concert tickets given the many substantiated allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with teenage females?
Oh how outrageous! His behavior is appalling. What is wrong with our celebrities that make them repeatedly make the same mistakes? Public opinion will give you *one* freebie, but sooner or later, you're gonna get caught. Just ask OJ.
Thanks for stopping by!
I agree, but this isn't really a mistake on his part, is it? I believe it's more like an addiction. This man clearly has a problem and he needs to seek counseling. The audacity of him to sit there and try to split hairs over whether 19 was too young or not!
I'm stating it right here and right now. 19 is too young for a man who's 40. I wonder if they even required him to seek any mental health assistance at any point during these past 6 years?1
Just crazy!!
Great show, Ladies! I enjoyed the discussion. My answer to the question you posed is a lot like the ones you came up with.
I guess it would all depend.
Hi BD, I'm glad you liked the show!
This wasn't an easy question to answer for me, so I'm on the fence with this one.
FYI, since we're just starting the show, we haven't solidified the frequency. However, at a minimum, we will have at least one show per week, so please be sure to spread the word and stop by again!
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